Module 1 – Components of a Systematic for Oil and Gas Projects
- Appraisal
- Selection and definition
- Planning
- Execution
- Control
Module 2 – Controls in Oil and Gas Project Management
- Scope
- Time
- Cost
- Quality
- Resources
- Safety
Module 3 – Aspects of a Successful Project
- Formal project phases and checkpoints
- Clear accountability
- Checks/balances between central functions and project teams
- Constant review of project value
- Risk monitoring
- Adequate opportunities
Module 4 – Oil and Gas Development Stages Employing Project Management Approaches
- Conceptual design
- Front-end engineering design
- Long lead equipment procurement
- Detailed design
- Construction/fabrication
- On-shore commissioning
- Transportation/installation
- Hook-up and commissioning before handover to end-user
Module 5 – Project Sanctioning and Approval Process
- Idea generation and sharing
- Idea review by immediate supervisor
- Idea pitch to sponsor
- GO/NO decision
- Registration of GO ideas
- Prototype and business case refining
- GO/NO GO decision
- Idea implementation
Module 6 – Stakeholder Management Process
- Identify stakeholders
- Identify strengths and weaknesses
- Develop a stakeholder plan
- Stakeholder issues
- Relationship goals
- Communication plan
- Monitor and change plan as required
- Customer knowledge experience
- Leadership support
- Institutional factors
- Project characteristics
- Manager/Team competence
- Project organization
- Contractual aspects
- Risk and requirement management
Module 8 – Risks Affecting Oil and Gas Project Management
- Operations and costs
- Budgeting
- Regular
- Technology
- Construction